I am always a sucker for a square format, light bouncing around interior spaces and the memories contained within. This project had it all. It came to me while visiting my mother in Florida. I had arrived loaded with photo equipment from another adventure and was planning on retiring and just relaxing with her. However, on the last day of my visit, I glanced into her bedroom and took in, as if for the first time, the whole scene I was so used to: white light streaming in from the skylight slashing patterns across the floor, neat rows of glass shelves with teddy bears dressed in my mother's own hand-knitted outfits, and a full size standing doll with a huge mop of hair that reminded us all of my neice, leaning over the foot of the bed as if crying in despair! How could I resist! Out came the camera and tripod, and so my search began for more of these strange isolated rooms where the light is alive and the sense of memory is subtly palpable.